This time around we’re not doing a TBR because I’ve got a book haul to share with you! I plan on reading all these books sometime this month so I’d thought why not just give y’all a book haul and December TBR all wrapped into one! I’ve got a lot of books to share so sit back, relax and enjoy!
Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl
By now, I imagine most have heard of this book, have picked it up and maybe even read it. It’s no surprise that I don’t reach for YA, but this one was too tempting. We follow Beatrice as she returns to hometown and is reunited with her high school friends. Together Beatrice and her friends are fated to live that same day over and over again until they choose one among them who can go on living.
I’ve never read a book by Marisha Pessl, but I’ve heard nothing about good things from her other novels. Neverworld Wake is nevertheless an intriguing premise, but with most YA I have my doubts it can exceed my expectations.
The Tiger’s Daughter + The Phoenix Empress by K. Arsenault Rivera
I can’t say I’ve ever heard of this fantasy series before and I’m surprised, shocked, bamboozled! This one sounds so good, it’s about two women, one an empress and the other a warrior tasked with saving their empire from a demonic invasion. Or something like that.
Let’s be honest, I only picked this one up because it was an LGBTQ fantasy, written by a young Latina author. I didn’t need much convincing at all to scoop this right off the shelves.
Land of Smoke by Sara Gallardo
I’ve mentioned this book before in my November Wrap Up. There’s not much else to say about this one. Land of Smoke is a collection of surrealist short stories by Argentinian author Sara Gallardo and it is well worth a look.
Letters to the Future: Black Women/Radical Writing edited by Erica Hunt and Dawn Lundy Martin
I have no intentions of completing these next two. I still plan on dipping in and out of them. They’re just not the sort of book you’d read cover to cover. This one in particular is an anthology of poetry written by black women and WOC about their lived experiences with violence and racism.
I’m not one for reading poetry and it’s not that I don’t want to read poetry, I just don’t know where to start. Anthologies like these are great for discovering new authors.
Speaking of Indigenous Politics: Conversations with Activists, Scholars and Tribal Leaders edited by J. Kehaulani Kauanui
I’m very excited for this next one. This is a topic I imagine we all could learn more about. I know that I’m certainly perplexed about reservations, their autonomy, and their dependency on US government so this is definitely a topic I’m interested in and would love to hear more about. This is a collection of interviews and conversations with (as the title says) activists, scholars and tribal leaders. It doesn’t feel as intimidating or dense a read when it’s given in this way, and I really appreciate that. I find political and sociological non-fiction books to be very scary and I tend to stay far away from them.
That does it for this month's TBR and my library book haul. It felt redundant to mention books I am currently reading in this post, so if you're interested in those you can check out my November Wrap Up.